
Jack Parsons on OZ

An excerpt from Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword

“It can only be insured by the allegiance to the principle that man has certain inalienable rights; among which are the rights: To live his private life, insofar as it concerns only himself, as he sees fit. To eat and drink, to dress, live and travel as, where and he will. To express himself; to speak, write, print, experiment and otherwise create as he desires. To work as he chooses, when he chooses and where he chooses at a reasonable and commensurate wage. To purchase his food, shelter, medical and social needs and all other services and commodities necessary to his existence and self-expression at a reasonable and commensurate price. To have a decent environment and upbringing during his childhood until he reaches a responsible majority. To love as he desires, where, how and with whom he chooses, in accordance only with the desires of himself and of his partner. To the positive opportunity to enjoy these rights as he sees fit, without obstruction on the one hand or compulsion on the other. Finally, in order to protect his person, his property and his rights, he should have the right to kill an aggressor if necessary. This is the purpose of the right to keep and bear arms.”

Cover of Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword
Cover of Freedom is a Two-Edged Sword